Making Music Now - By Kalani Das

We know that music helps us in many ways, from motivating us to get up and do our best, to comforting us in challenging times. Listening to recorded music by the artists and bands we love can help us feel empowered, give us courage, insights, and feelings of support. Making our own music can help us be creative, build connections, and help us understand ourselves and others.

Jul. 23. 2020
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Introducing: Peripole Personal Music Kits

Given our current global state and unknown future for the music classroom, the need for personal instrument kits is more vital than ever.  In an effort to keep our children musically engaged, Peripole has created Personal Music Kits designed specifically to cover an array of tones as well as movement in one convenient and budget-friendly package!

Jul. 10. 2020
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Introducing: The Peripole® Classic™ Ukuleles by Enya

Peripole is proud to introduce our newest innovation in ukuleles – the Peripole ® Classic™ Ukulele family by Enya, available exclusively from Peripole



Jul. 06. 2020
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Celebrating Unity!

Today we want to remember a special day in our history. Today is Juneteeth, the day that slavery was finally abolished in the United States of America.

Though this year, as a country we are going through multiple trials, we want to remember and honor the good that all you do.


We wanted to share this beautiful video from Dekalb County School District in Georgia with Original song by Chelsea Cook "We Are One: Dekalb United"

Jun. 19. 2020
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Summer 2020 Online Professional Development Courses

With the uncertainty of the COVID epidemic and many areas of the US still on lockdown, Peripole would like to share some links to great online professional development opportunities available for summer 2020.

Jun. 16. 2020
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CajonTab® portable percussion!

Have you heard of the CajonTab®? One of the best things to happen to percussion in recent years, the CajonTab® gives you the sound and versatility of a cajon in a compact and portable form!

Jun. 12. 2020
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Keeping kids musically engaged during quarantine (or anytime!)

Keeping kids musically engaged during quarantine (or anytime!)


Welcome and thank you for joining us in our first blog post in a series for Keeping kids musically engaged during quarantine (or anytime!).  Keeping our children engaged in music while being away from school and friends can be a difficult task.  This blog series will give parents and children easy and fun music activity ideas to try at home, using easy to find household items. 

Jun. 01. 2020
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NAFME Cleaning Guide

Because it is so important to have some guidance in these trying times we wanted to get the word out and share with all of you the NAFME instrument cleaning guide as well as the NAFME Covid-19 teacher resource page.


May. 03. 2020
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Ever hear of the Melodion?

Do your kiddos need a easy way to make music during distance learning? While there are many great instruments we can recommend, we wanted to give a little shout out to the melodion! A instrument of many names, you may have heard it as a melodica, pianica or a keyboard harmonica as well. But whatever name it goes by, the instrument is the same: a wind instrument with a keyboard!

Apr. 10. 2020
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Peripole's COVID-19 Update

Due to the current world wide situation with the COVID-19 pandemic we have reduced our office hours to 8:30AM to 12:30PM PST (11:30AM to 3:30PM EST) Monday-Friday.

We are doing everything we can to reduce the spread of COVID-19, while maintaining our commitments to music education. Read our full statement here for more information.

Mar. 25. 2020
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Cleaning Your Recorder During Covid-19

We want to remind everyone how important it is to be safe and healthy right now. Here our recomendation on how to clean your recorder, a great resource for teachers (once schools are back in session) and parents of children practicing at home!


     Download our statement HERE

Mar. 23. 2020
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Welcome to Peripole!

Hello and welcome to the new Peripole blog. Here is a place for all this teacher resources! Check in to see regular updates with new helpful videos, lesson plans, articles and more!

Jan. 24. 2020
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