Will Schmid's new book and playalong CD, World Music Drumming: New Ensembles and Songs, supplements the original World Music Drumming curriculum. These new pieces expand the drumming spectrum to include new culture areas and contemporary drumming styles. All pieces and songs have been kid-tested in grades 3-12.
Desert Fire - “A Ram Sam Sam”
On the Mountain - “Sow It On the Mountain”
Drum Up the Sun - “Sahara Sunrise”
Harambee - “Get It Together” and “Peace Drum Song”
Peace Drum
Rock It!
Swing It - “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot”
Sometime, Somewhere Blues”
Interlaken Jam
A “Player’s Dozen” Jam
Recorder Hocket
Sound Shapes
Gourds and Boards
Bells and Other Metal
Bomba güembé
Spirit Drum - “Amazing Grace”